If you don’t want to make a claim for a refund, and you want to keep the right to sue TracFone or Wal-Mart on your own about the issues in this case, then you must take steps to exclude yourself from the Class. This is sometimes referred to as “opting out” of the Class. If you exclude yourself, you are no longer a Class Member and won’t get a refund through this settlement
If you don’t want to be in the Class, you may exclude yourself by writing to the Settlement Administrator. Your request must include the following:
- Your full name, address and telephone number
- A statement that you want to be excluded from the settlement in In re TracFone Unlimited Service Plan Litigation; and
- Your signature
You must mail your exclusion request, postmarked by May 20, 2015, to:
Prepaid Phone Refund
Settlement Administrator
PO Box 2011
Chanhassen, MN 55317-2011